
One House Two Suite

Shelley told she 100% believes that living blended-unblended has strengthened her and Peter’s relationship, as well as each of their relationships with their kids. “[Peter and I] started with a strong relationship, and this has definitely maintained the respect, love, consideration, and romance. Our communication is amazing, because again, there’s not a lot of room for unsaid expectation and disappointment!”

“I am amazed at the bond I have with [Peter’s kids] and how the kids have all embraced us. They use ‘step-sibling’ and ‘step-parent’ language, and call us a family. This was something they initiated and never something we pushed on them. I love their ability to embrace something that is untraditional and thrive in it. They don’t know how things are ‘supposed’ to be, but they do recognize happiness and health and love when they feel it.”

Shelley believes that the overwhelmingly positive response to her TikToks shows that people are becoming more open to unconventional family structures, and that’s a good thing. “Can you imagine, for a moment, what message Mother’s Day celebrations in school send to a child in foster care? For a child who lost their mother to cancer? For a child who was raised by their grandparents? Can we stop sending the message to children that they aren’t whole because their family doesn’t look a certain way?”

She continued, “Our ideas of family have been so exclusive. Who are we if our families are untraditional? Less? Hell no. Everyone deserves a seat at the table. I absolutely love Mother’s Day, but let’s widen that door! Every kind of family counts and is worth celebrating.”