
Single mom stunned when she finds out her 2 adopted kids are actually brother and sister

Katie relished motherhood, and soon decided that she was keen on adding to her little family in the future. Of course, she knew it was better to wait a while and adjust to life with Grayson before throwing another child into the mix, and so planned to potentially adopt again in two years time. Just one short month later, however, Katie received a call. It was another caseworker calling about a bad situation. A newborn baby girl had been dropped off at the very same hospital Grayson had come from, and was in urgent need of placement.

Katie’s bold move
As Katie explained: “I know over the next 10 minutes and subsequent phone calls I made that afternoon, the phrase ‘I know I am crazy, but God is telling me to say YES’ kept coming out of my mouth.” Mere hours later, baby Hannah was taken to Katie’s house: She’d found a new mother and brother. Only, it wasn’t until Katie took a closer look at Hannah’s hospital bracelet that she digested just how special her decision to foster Hannah was. The birth mother’s first name was the same name Grayson’s birth mother had given to the hospital. Katie decided to dig a little deeper and, low and behold, while leafing through Hannah’s discharge papers, she found that the birth mom also shared the same birth date as Grayson’s mom.

Could it be coincidence?

Now, Katie accepted that Grayson and Hannah didn’t look alike, but she retained a sneaky suspicion that the pair were somehow related. In her search for the truth, Katie tracked down Hannah’s birth mother. When she eventually found her, it took no time at all for her to realize that the woman was Grayson’s biological mom too. A DNA test later confirmed that Grayson and Hannah are half-siblings! “What if Baby Girl had gone to another family?” Katie continued in her blog. “We would have never found her or Grayson’s mother. The connection would have never been made! “I could not believe the miracle that had just happened.”

Hannah’s adoption
Katie officially adopted Hannah in December 2018, and she’s happier than ever. “That day I said ‘Yes’ to taking the Baby Girl I felt the strangest feeling ever. I don’t think I had truly until that moment felt a undeniable calling from God (or whatever higher spirit you personally might believe in). “My brain was telling me to say ‘no’ because it made no sense and was not in my plans, but something inside kept saying you have to say ‘YES’. It is a sheer miracle, once in a lifetime chance… call it what you will, but it is amazing that my children found each other.”